Max Fabiani
"I was one of the most celebrated architects of the Imperial Vienna, personal advisor of the heir to the throne Franz Ferdinand and designer, here in Gorizia, of the Trgovski Dom, one of the first multi-purpose buildings in Europe; perhaps you don’t know that I was the architect who fired Adolf Hitler. "
I was one of the most celebrated architects of the Imperial Vienna, where I de-signed Urania bulduing, Portois & Fix palace, Artaria palace and Palmers house, be-tween 19th and 20th Cen. As personal advisor of the heir to the throne Franz Ferdi-nand, I became
chief architect of the Austrian exhibition.
I also passionately worked on the reconstruction of Ljubljana after the 1895 earth-quake, Bielsko - now in Poland - and Gorizia in 1921. In fact, my brilliant Viennese career ended in 1919 because I felt "morally obligated to complete the work begun in Gorizia", where I designed the Trgovski Dom, one of the first multi-purpose build-ings in Europe. I was the architect who fired Adolf Hitler.
Puoi trovarmi qui
M.Fabiani - Sacro Cuore