Dora Bassi - Cover

Dora Bassi

The idea first, then the desire and the will to leave to Gorizia, my hometown, a permanent record of my work as an artist, have slowly taken shape over the past twenty years, but then, in a moment, everything has become urgent.

Dear visitor, I’m an artist of the 20th century and, as such, I experienced particularly decisive moments, which forced me to reverse the relationship with the art that was contemporary to me. I grew up amidst the beauty and the variety of colors of the surroundings, fascinated by the harmony and the evocative power of the word, finding out a deep empathy with Pasolini, a poet I've always admired. The work that I have wanted to donate to Gorizia, my hometown, is the result of this harmony: the cycle of paintings entitled "Innocent youth" - dedicated and inspired by the Poems in Casarsa by Pier Paolo Pasolini.



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Dora Bassi - Sagoma