Angiolo Mazzoni
I designed hundreds of state buildings - such as the central post office - all over Italy. However, after the II World War, much of my work was questioned and I had to move overseas.
Dear visitor, as an engineer and architect, in the first half of the 20th Century I designed many public buildings, railway stations and postal buildings all over Italy. With my poetry, influenced by the painting of Mario Sironi, I adjusted the classical language and put technological innovation at the service of creativity. To decorate the Palace of Post and Telegraphs in Gorizia I collaborated with some artists such as Guido Cadorin for the murals in the porch and stairwell. Because of the postwar purge, my work was opposed and criticized so much that I was forced to move to Colombia, where I was offered the university chair of History of Architecture and Urbanism.
Puoi trovarmi qui
Palazzo Postale