Il Giardino “Bruno Farber”


Vie e giardini

“Bruno Farber” Garden

Next to the synagogue there is a gate of wrought-iron from the 18th Century. It comes from Ascoli’s house and it is considered to be the original gate of the ghetto.

Going through the gate, a footpath and staircase, named after the Rabbi Isacco Samuele Reggio, leads to the lower Via Brass, that, in the past flowed the Corno Stream, which today flows underground. Here, on Jewish New Year Eve (Rosh ha-Shanah), the Jews symbolically released their sins, throwing stones into the flowing water, that carried them far away. The small garden behind the gate is dedicated to Bruno Faber, the Gorizian youngest deportee to Auschwitz when only 3 years and 19 days old. Inside has been created an “environmental art path” for children, with an installation that recalls the Jewish celebration of Purim made by Emanuele Luzzati.


Giardino Bruno Farber