Corso Francesco Giuseppe


Vie e giardini

Corso Francesco Giuseppe

The Imperial parade moved along what is now Corso Italia. This road was opened in 1860 to connect the new Southern Station to the city centre and became the main road axis of Gorizia.

In 1873 Carl von Czoernig wrote it was “a wide road with paths for pedestrians, flanked on both sides by trees. It was straight, so you only needed about 15 minutes to traverse its length through a pleasant area.” Soon, along the road started to appear villas with gardens, most still standing today. At number 205 there is a house in “liberty style” built in the 1920s for the Nale brothers. Opposite it, at number 226, there is the peculiar small Villa Vervega, created for a rich and eccentric Swiss banker who had it built in neo-gothic shapes.  Close to it we can see “Villa Venezia”, built in 1898 by the industrialist Arturo Polli, with a tower with arch windows. A little further on, at number 214, the Villa Bladig with a pinnacle front that recalls Viennese architecture. Today’s Parco della Rimembranza was at that time the city cemetery, surrounded by a wall.


Corso Italia
Corso Francesco Giuseppe (oggi Corso Italia),inizi XX secolo.
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Villa Vervega in Corso Francesco Giuseppe (oggi Corso Italia), inizi XX secolo.
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