Giacomo Casanova
Dear visitor, perhaps not everyone knows that I was also one of those who visited the beautiful city of Gorizia. You know me as an adventurer, a writer, a poet, an alchemist, a diplomat, a philosopher (and so on and so forth), a citizen of the Republic of Venice. This stay took place in September 1744 and it is not legend, but reality, witnessed in numerous documents. The news, just to give an example, was published in the "Gazzetta Gorizia", that reported: "On Saturday, 10 th, Mr. Giacomo Casanova of St. Gall came to Gorizia; he is famous for all the relationships he had, travelling around Europe; as no less for the works he printed, among which we have already announced in our papers the history of the events of Poland; he unexpectedly got his pardon and after twenty years he returned to Venice in his homeland.
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Palazzo Strassoldo