Ernest Hemingway
I keep a good memory of this land. Right in the Gorizia of the Great War "A Farewell to Arms” begins: in my novel it is a «very nice» town, a momentarily quiet place while all around people die.
Dear visitor, I am a US writer and journalist, and with my essential and dry style I influenced the the 20th century novel. At the outbreak of World War I, I volunteered in the army to go to fight in Europe, and I came here. I travelled long and wide and had a rather turbulent social life. My literary career began in Paris, were I was introduced to the literary avant-gardes of the time, particularly modernism. Very important for me, in the environment of the "lost generation", was the meeting with the poet Ezra Pound. I keep a good memory of this land. My novel "A Farewell to Arms" opens in the Gorizia of the Great War, which I describe as a "very nice" city, a momentarily peaceful place, while all around people die.
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Palazzo Werdenberg – Biblioteca Statale Isontina